少女時代アリーナツアー2011.5.31 in大阪城ホール

Oh god I really wish I had been there. Those fancams killed me two hundred times.
The videos shot outside of the concert reminded me the days running there for MM.
There’ll be one held in Fukuoga at July 18th. My heart’s burning painfully not because I’m not able to be there (since I always think of visiting Yumiko) but because I do have a chance yet I shouldn’t book the tickets on impulse due to all those responsibilities I have to take!!!
Why am I in this damn program and not making money (crying out loud)


A fanaccount says Yuri performed an extremely sexy solo dance. Oh my Yuri…. YURIAHHHHHH~~
Don’t know why not SME sells the concert DVD!! 

3時間… Σ(´Д`lll)

The only thing I can do is keeping checking as many J-fans’ blogs/repos as I could.

To be honest, I do appreciate they are targeting the Japanese market. It’s much easier for me to understand and enjoy their interviews in Japanese than those in Korean.

Oh, and their first Japanese album is way too EXCELLENT!
少女時代最高!!キャー q(≧∇≦*)(*≧∇≦)p キャー

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