少女時代アリーナツアー2011.5.31 in大阪城ホール

Oh god I really wish I had been there. Those fancams killed me two hundred times.
The videos shot outside of the concert reminded me the days running there for MM.
There’ll be one held in Fukuoga at July 18th. My heart’s burning painfully not because I’m not able to be there (since I always think of visiting Yumiko) but because I do have a chance yet I shouldn’t book the tickets on impulse due to all those responsibilities I have to take!!!
Why am I in this damn program and not making money (crying out loud)


A fanaccount says Yuri performed an extremely sexy solo dance. Oh my Yuri…. YURIAHHHHHH~~
Don’t know why not SME sells the concert DVD!! 

3時間… Σ(´Д`lll)

The only thing I can do is keeping checking as many J-fans’ blogs/repos as I could.

To be honest, I do appreciate they are targeting the Japanese market. It’s much easier for me to understand and enjoy their interviews in Japanese than those in Korean.

Oh, and their first Japanese album is way too EXCELLENT!
少女時代最高!!キャー q(≧∇≦*)(*≧∇≦)p キャー

Ladies & Gentlemen SNSD – Vogue Korea

Seems like SNSD Dior team is taking some fashion shoot for Dior’s new print ads?

It was thought to be another photo shoot for new Dior ads, but it turns out now for the magazine Vogue Korea.
And it’s titled “Boys meet Girls,” ha.

Yuri, Sooyoung, and Sica transform to cool modern guys and Hyoyeon, Sunny, and Tiffany become…Ladies GaGa!

Preview how handsome Sooyoung and yuppie Sica are!

It’s funny Sooyoung describes she (her transformation) is just the tip of the iceberg. They seem a little bit embarrassed about their modern look, haha. Yuri asks creepy Hyoyeon for not being too close to her, and then soon attacked by Sunny standing at her left side:” oi Yuri, so you think you’re not creepy?!”

Sica also denies Tiffany’s claim “we’re girl’s generation.” XDDDD

Don’t be shy, Yuri, your manly look is ultimately handsome!

(In the final part of the interview, Sica praised Sooyoung is prettier than her older sister; when Sooyoung eulogized her reciprocally, Sica blushed a scarlet-red and her reaction gesture was so cute!!


Always have great fun watching the most famous sub-plot about Yuri and Taewoo opa in Invincible Youth.

Taewoo never gives up courting Yuri openly; he fights for all the chances to get, if she would reveal any, her kindness, no matter how other members make the complaints. It is so interesting to see Yuri responding him with a wry smile mixing shyness, delight, tenseness, and reluctance. She is both amused and annoyed, haha~

(Yuri: My mom told me never believed in any man who asked if you trusted them or not.)

However, many thanks to Taewoo opa for his struggle really bringing us a lot of chances to enjoy Yuri’s aegyo in the show.

Don’t know if he keeps contact with Yuri after she left or not. Though Yuri’s mom states a truth, keke, he could be still a nice opa and good friend with Yuri I think.

1st Arena Tour Concert in Japan

(Before posting I just wanna say, don’t know how people think about it but, the images of most SNSD cosplay in the world make me ill…orz…horrible…)

Ok, the schedule of the tour in Japan everybody gazes at is published.

2011/05/18 (Wed) ~ 19 (Thu)
東京 – 国立代々木競技場第1体育館

2011/05/21 (Sat) ~ 22 (Sun)
愛知・名古屋 – 日本ガイシホール

2011/05/24 (Tue) ~ 25 (Wed)
大阪 – 大阪城ホール

2011/05/28 (Sat)
福岡 – マリンメッセ福岡

I’m almost crying. The tour will end in May means I get no chance to attend even the last one in Fukuoka… (deep, deep sigh..

And it’ll be an all-out solo concert!!!!

Yuriaaaaaaaaaaaahh (cry out


This “fan account” is wide spread these days. Even a Little Kid Expresses Love for Soshi.”

Though vanished in a flash, I had a peculiar feeling when noticing “a little kid.”
And then, confirmed it.

This little kid is none other than Noa, 辻の娘だ。

ちょ、、 wwww



For a former crazy Morning Musume’s fan but now a spazzing Sone like me, seeing people passing のんちゃん’s dairy praising SNSD really makes me have a stirring of emotion.

Cheers, to those spectacular times went by.


지금은 광고시대!

Yuri says so. XDDDDDD

It seems they are extremely busy filming various CF!

And next one is Lipton Tea?! OH I’mma have a cup of Lipton tea right now! (go kitchen)


Here, Mr. Taxi!


No doubt Mr. Taxi is the new song coming with RDR gonna release at Apr 13th!